Sienavire Wiki

Welcome to the Sienavire Wiki[]

Oh, welcome. This wiki is my personal project on... Yeah. Wikis and stuff. Please make yourself comfy while reading all of these I’ve been stitching from many other wikis I liked (Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership over any of these, except for some parts of the scripts. They belong to their respective owners.)

It all boils down to... The Multiversal Emergency.

The Multiversal Emergency[]

Contents   (view all pages)

About The Multiverse Emergency
My Major Factions

PhoenixLogoThumb Phoenix Federation

ApathyLogoThumb Tyranny of Apathy

EcumeneLogoThumb Imilki Ecumene

ImperiumLogoThumb Uzaria Star Imperium

My Minor Factions

EyeLogoThumb Third Eye Phantasmagoria

SchadenfreudeLogoThumb Task Force Schadenfreude

UNLogoThumb Opportunistic Peacekeeping Ltd.


Latest activity[]

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